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Что лучше 4K UHD или 1080 Full HD?

TVs with Ultra HD resolution display 4 times more pixels than Full HD images. 4K has a resolution of 4,096 × 2,160 (8.8 megapixels), a little higher than UHD. A better resolution TV (eg UHD vs FHD) displays a greater number of pixels and allows more details to be displayed on an image of the same size.

Videos in 4K Ultra HD resolution contain 4 times as many pixels as Full HD recordings. The advantages is that your videos are more detailed. If you like to make creative recordings, you'll have more freedom when you edit 4K footage compared to Full HD footage.

4K Ultra HD A 4K TV has an even higher resolution than an HDTV. Most current HDTVs have a resolution of 1920×1080 (number of pixels horizontally/vertically), which is often referred to as Full HD, while the resolution of older HDTVs is 1280×720. A 4K TV's resolution is 3840×2160, or 4 times the resolution of full HD.

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